Cobalt Details


Cobalt is a brittle, hard, silver-grey transition metal with magnetic properties similar to those of iron (ferromagnetic). Cobalt is present in meteorites. Ore deposits are found in Republic Democratic of Congo, Morocco and Canada. The name is derived from the German word 'kobald', meaning goblin.


Cobalt is a steel grey, shiny, hard metal with a very high melting point. Its chemical behavior resembles that of iron and nickel. Due to its nature, cobalt forms alloys with many elements which are highly resistant to corrosion. Cobalt is ferromagnetic at room temperature.

Deliverable form: Co2O5
Deliverable content:Up to 22-25 %
Packing unit; On request

Cobalt’s properties make it an important metal for alloys. It is primarily used in the production of chemicals, special steels, carbides, diamond tools, magnets, aircraft engines and super alloys for corrosion- resistant carbides in gas turbine blades.


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